Monday, February 27, 2012

Marie lapis cheese

Hey guys ! Ready to indulge in this cheesy marie biscuits ? Lets do it !

1)Marie biscuits, tengok bekas yang anda guna. Lagi besar lagi banyak biskut.
2)cream cheese 250gm
3) condensed milk 250gm/ susu masak dgn gula pun boleh kalau tade susu sejat
4)whipping cream 100gm

How to bake :
1) Beat the cream cheese until creamy then add the condensed milk, and whipping cream. Whisk until well creamy blended mixture. Rasa la apa yang tak cukup tambah.
2) susun biskut marie satu layer, pour in the mixture kasi rata then susun lagi biskut marie, pour again the mixture. Decorate and let it chill.
3) kalau fridge biasa kena overnight, kalau freezer 2 hrs kat ats then 2 hrs kat bwh pun dah okay. Enjoy !