Thursday, March 1, 2012

Eggless moist chocolate cake

cake ni bukan nampak je sedap tapi memang sedap and senang ! rugi kalau anda tak cuba resipi ni  !

ingredients :
1) 1 cup cake flour
2) 1 tsp baking powder
3) 1/2 tsp bicarbonate soda
4)1/2 cup cocoa powder
5) 1 tbsp milk + 1 tbsp buttermilk OR 2 tbsp milk powder OR 2 tbsp milk
6) 1 cup sugar - the way i do it, i mixed brown sugar with caster sugar but its up to you
7) 1 tsp vanilla essence
8) pinch of salt
9) 1/2 cup of vegetables oil, tapi kalau tak half sgt pun okay, takut oily sgt nanti
10) 1 tsp vinegar

How :

1. Preheat the oven to 160 degree celcius
2. Sift : flour, baking powder, baking soda, cocoa powder dalam bowl besar then stir kasi rata
3. Tambah susu, garam dan gula. Stir again until well mixed
4. Add cold water, cooking oil, vanilla essence. Okay ni kena whisk je slow-slow make sure the mixture have no lumpy2 okay ? hihi.
5. tambah vinegar, stir immediately. Now pour the batter dalam loyang and bake for 30mins-40mins. Bila cucuk lidi, it came out clean tanda cake dah masak :)

Frosting :
1. double cream (200ml)
2. semi sweet chocolate
3. milk chocolate

how :
1. Cut the chocolate into smaller pieces. Okay bab choc ni it depends, kalau korang suka manis then milk choc lebihkan, kalau nak pahit2, lebihkan semi-sweet choc.
2. cook the double cream until simmer
3. Now tuang cream yang panas kat dalam mangkuk yang ada choc. Whisk sampai choc cair then pour kat cake. But make sure cake tu korang dah cool kan .

it is super duper moist !
strawberry and ganache lebih boleh buat snack! yummms!
Happy trying !

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